jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

QUINTO - Jueves 19


- Repaso de la teoría de las páginas 170 y 171
- Página 171: ejercicios 12, 13 y 14


- Repaso de la teoría de las páginas 164 y 165
- Página 165: ejercicios 4 y 7


Unidad 4 - Pág. 71: Actividades: 4 y 5.
Pág. 72: Actividades: 1, 2, 3 y 4.


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Reading, you don’t need to print them, you can write the number on your notebooks.
Before you do the activities, read the text aloud (voz alta) and time (cronometra) how

long it takes you, write it down on your notebook.


Watch this video as many times as you need

Create your own poster of the sectors with examples and definitions of the sectors. It
has to have:

· 3 sectors and their definition
· 3 examples and a picture for every sector
· Use markers, colour pencils or crayons, make it beautiful, send me a picture to class dojo